Forest suprise!

Dear Diary,

This is my first diary entry ever. I am about to tell you what happened to me today. It all started when my mum said  why don’t you take the school tour to the forest. I am a very sporty and adventurous person so I said sure when is it? Then my mum told me it was today so I told her that I haven’t even started packing! She told me she had already packed everything so I went off to the forest.

When I arrived no one was there. I thought that maybe everyone was still coming so I decided to explore the forest. First I got comfortable, then I headed off. I slowly walked through the bushes and I was surprised to see that there was a tiger lying down. At first I thought it was a bad idea to go near it but I still went up to it and investigated. However as soon as I did it jumped up and then took off its head. Yes its head! and said Happy Birthday thats when I realised that my bff remembered that it was my birthday. She had been planning this surprise the whole time.

About me

Hi my name is Eshal and I am in Year 6.

I love ice-cream, the colour pink and teal and unicorns.

I love going to tropical places in summer with my besties.

I have moved to England for two years when I was six and I came back in 2019.

I have also got a leadership role and I got house captain. I am really excited to be house captain.

I am excited for the year ahead.

Country of focus( China )

1. This is Chinese flag

2. China is in the continent Asia so it is an Asian country.

3. The capital city of China is Beijing. Beijing is one of the most oldest cities in the world. Beijing was the 16th name given to it. Beijing is famous for having the Great Wall of China. In 1936 Beijing was called Peking in English.


4. China is in the northern and eastern hemisphere


4. The population of China is 1.398 billion.


5. I thought that the national language of China was Chinese but I was wrong the national language of China is called mandarin.


6. The currency of China is called Renminbi.


7. Australia is chinas sixth largest trading partner; it is chinas fifth biggest supplier of imports and  its tenth biggest Customer for exports.


8. China has the largest population in the world with over 1.3 billion people.

9. India shares a border with China to the south. Russia has a border with China to the north and China also borders  Kazakhstan to the west.