Commenting Guidines

In class we have been learning about commenting on other peoples blogs.

These are some imaginary posts and we have to list which ones are the least helpful to the ones which re the most helpful.

commenting guidlines

The most least helpful is number 7 because all it says is I love your story its really good and it doesn’t sign of or tell who they are signing it too. It also doesn’t say why the story was really good.

After that I think is number 6 because she uses too much lols and they did not use it in the right form and they used slangs.

Then I think comes number 1 because it has no punctuation it also uses lol in the wrong way and it is not really formal.

Next comes number 4. I guess number 4 is good but they have some Gramatical errors and they don’t tell who they are addressing it too.

After that comes number 8. It is helpful but it is a bit weird how it is worded like they are shouting or yelling.

I think that next comes number 3 because I guess it is not so helpful but it is still worded very good it just is not that formal.

Then I think comes number 5. It is really good but I think it maybe needs a paragraph when they say about the photos the other person shared.

Then I think the most helpful is number 2 because it is worded very good and it has a paragraph when they talk about a good topic.

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